The Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fat Ratio as a Predictor of Health and Longevity Leave a comment October 27, 2022 Mark Pettus In this recording of The Health Edge, Mark and John discuss the importance of dietary intake and sources of omega 6 and omega 3 fats. An abundance of epidemiological and clinical trials suggest high ratios of O-6/O-3 drive increased inflammation, oxidative stress and are associated with increased cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Mark and John look at the biochemistry and some clinical trials that support avoidance of processed omega-6 vegetable oils and encourage more whole omega-3 sources. Audio Recording Use-of-dietary-linoleic-acid-for-secondary-prevention-of-coronary-heart-disease-and-death-evaluation-of-recovered-data-from-the-Sydney-Diet-Heart-Study-and-updated-meta-analysisDownload A-Low-ω-6-to-ω-3-PUFA-Ratio-n–6-n–3-PUFA-Diet-to-Treat-Fatty-Liver-Disease-in-Obese-YouthDownload An-Increase-in-the-Omega-6Omega-3-Fatty-Acid-Ratio-Increases-the-Risk-for-ObesityDownload O6O3-ChineseDownload Related