In this podcast Mark reviews the current paradigm linking environmental inputs-lifestyle with epigenetics and the human microbiome. He translates these connections ibto effective lifestyle medicine interventions. The PowerPoint below goes with the audio recording. You Tube recording can be found below. Enjoy!
May 19, 2023 BERKSHIRE INNOVATION CENTERThe search for a fountain of youth has been an obsession for humankind for millennia. Though inevitable, aging is not necessarily, as one might think, a genetically programmed process. As we age, we may develop shoulder, knee, or hip problems, sensory loss, or even memory loss. How can we stay healthier longer? Recent advances in biomedical innovations coupled with anti-aging interventions in health, wellness, mindset, and relationships have moved the goal post of longevity to the possibility of humans living to be centenarians. Wearable devices are no longer just a way to monitor health, they are becoming oracles of health. BIC Presents “Longevity, Technology, and the Future of Medicine” – a panel discussion with experts and thought leaders hosted by the Berkshire Innovation Center in partnership with Hamilton, Brook, Smith, Reynolds.
In this episode of the Health Edge Mark and John discuss areas of research they are closely following. John shares some interesting fatty acid research and introduces heptadecanoic acid as an emerging 17-carbon fat, important to healthy brain aging. Mark reviews some aging and longevity research he is following. Topics include epigenetic aging, biologic age regression using Yamanaka factors, gene and cell therapies, and senolytics.
In this episode of The Health Edge Mark and John review a recent paper drawing connections between excessive sodium restriction and insulin resistance. This adds to a growing body of research suggesting the restriction of sodium below 3-4 gms/day may in fact add to cardiometabolic risk. Current guidelines of 2300 mg/day or less fall well below these levels.
In this Health Edge podcast recording, Mark and John review a recent paper that drew a strong relationship between erythritol levels in the blood with major adverse cardiovascular (MACE) events. Mark and John anayize the study and offer perspective.… Another recent review of risks and benefits of erythritol.…
In this Health Edge recording Mark and John review recent data on the prevalence of CKD in the US. They review common drivers of CKD and offer many lifestyle medicine recommendations for prevention and management.
In this episode of the Health Edge, mark and John review two important studies. The first is a systematic review/meta analysis that clearly links loss of lean body mass (sarcopenia) with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease risk. The second paper reviews the underlying mechanisms that link lower muscle mass with greater risk of cognitive decline with aging.
Few age-related diseases are more devastating than Alzheimer’s. A recent study from Columbia University suggests in individuals 65+ years of age, 10% have a dementia diagnosis and almost 25% have a diagnosis of MCI or mild cognitive decline. For the 90+ age demographic, over 30% have a dementia diagnosis. The costs to the individuals and those who care for them is staggering. In this recording, mark and John review the data from this paper (Annals of Neurology October 2022) and offer a different perspective on how to prevent, what today, feels like a one-way street.