In this episode of The Health Edge Mark and John discuss the fascinating topic of light and health and it’s many impacts on human biology and health.
The Health Edge: Glyphosate
In this episode of The Health Edge Mark and John discuss the pervasive presence of glyphosate (active ingredient in Round Up) and the ways in which it disrupts human biology and very likely, human health.
The Health Edge: Holidays and Health
In this episode of The Health Edge Mark and John reflect on some of the common challenges of maintaining healthy choices around the Holiday season.
Robert Emmons PhD Gratitude Research U.C. Davis
The Health Edge: Calcium-How much is too much?
In this episode of The Health Edge Mark and John discuss the optimal range for claim intake and when necessary, calcium supplementation.
The Health Edge: Vitamin K2 and Heart Health
In this episode of The Health Edge Mark and John review the sources and biologic activity of Vitamin K2. This critical and oft overlooked fat soluble vitamin protects again calcification of vasculature, reduces risk of heart disease and cardiovascular mortality and improves bone and dental health.
The Health Edge: Weight and Metabolism
In this episode of The Health Edge Mark reviews Weight loss and metabolism from an Integrative Health perspective.
Mark reviews the central connection between lifestyle-environment and insulin-leptin.