The Health Edge: Episode #4 – Inflammation

Mark explores some of the common roote causes of inflammation, one of the most important contributors to chronic, complex disease e.g. diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, autoimmunity, depression, etc.


He will explore some simple lifestyle considerations for reducing one’s “inflammatory burden” and how to regain a significant edge to one’s health.

The Health Edge: Episode 3 – The role of poor quality carbohydrate-dense foods in the promotion of poor health

John and Mark continue their discussion of the fundamental role changes in our modern diet over the last 2-3 generations have had in driving our epidemic of chronic complex disease e.g. obesity, diabetes, inflammation, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, autoimmunity, etc. They explore in more detail the specific role poor quality carbohydrates are playing in disease and diminished quality of life.