May 19, 2023 BERKSHIRE INNOVATION CENTERThe search for a fountain of youth has been an obsession for humankind for millennia. Though inevitable, aging is not necessarily, as one might think, a genetically programmed process. As we age, we may develop shoulder, knee, or hip problems, sensory loss, or even memory loss. How can we stay healthier longer? Recent advances in biomedical innovations coupled with anti-aging interventions in health, wellness, mindset, and relationships have moved the goal post of longevity to the possibility of humans living to be centenarians. Wearable devices are no longer just a way to monitor health, they are becoming oracles of health. BIC Presents “Longevity, Technology, and the Future of Medicine” – a panel discussion with experts and thought leaders hosted by the Berkshire Innovation Center in partnership with Hamilton, Brook, Smith, Reynolds.
Research Getting Our Attention

In this episode of the Health Edge Mark and John discuss areas of research they are closely following. John shares some interesting fatty acid research and introduces heptadecanoic acid as an emerging 17-carbon fat, important to healthy brain aging. Mark reviews some aging and longevity research he is following. Topics include epigenetic aging, biologic age regression using Yamanaka factors, gene and cell therapies, and senolytics.