In this recording of The Health Edge, Mark and John interview Mark Campbell PhD. We discuss the science linking time in Nature with global health outcomes. About Mark Campbell: Dr. Mark A. Campbell uses his background in wellness, sports medicine, exercise science, and performance psychology to impact change across all areas of life. His diverse background affords him the ability to help audiences see the world through many lenses. Mark shares his unique blend of holistic education, application, and experience with audiences worldwide. Mark spent almost a decade leading performance and wellness-based programs for the US Army and the Department of Defense, which included assisting the military and government leads from fourteen Allied nations in developing transition programs for their wounded, ill, and injured military populations. He then acted as the Director of Mental Conditioning for the World Series Champion Washington Nationals. Mark holds both the Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) and Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist (CWWS) through the National Wellness Institute, were he currently serves as the Senior Fellow for Healthcare and Ability.…